Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Challenge #135: Anything Goes

  Hello, everyone...

Just a few weeks more until Christmas

Hope thay you are all stay healthy and ready to join our always anything goes challenge

A few update: Vera is having a medical emergency and needing to raise funds.

If you can purchase digis as means of support, that will be much appreciated

The DT Girls had been busy creating these inspiring projects for this challenge:

using Christmas Poinsettia Girl

A few important links:

Feel free to share any of your Lemon Shortbread makes with us at

Now it's time for you to get creative



Wendy said...

Always beautiful design team samples on display. Thank you for the challenge and chance to win some awesome stamps.

Mandy said...

Thank you for the hard work from all involved to bring us these challenges.

Wishing all the team a Merry Christmas if you celebrate, Happy Holidays if you don't and a Happy New Year to one and all.

Love, Best Wishes and Socially Distanced (((Hugs)))
