Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Challenge #148: Anything Goes

     Hello, everyone...

Hope that you are all stay healthy and ready to join our always anything goes challenge

A few update: Currently Vera is in the US for a family's medical emergency and is needing to raise finances as she had to close her other shops. If you can purchase digis as a means of support, that will be much appreciated!

The DT Girls had been busy creating these inspiring projects for this challenge:

on a short break

A few important links:

Feel free to share any of your Lemon Shortbread makes with us at

Now it's time for you to get creative



Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Maryann scrapbooking said...

Magnifiques interprétations de la DT.
C'est toujours un plaisir de participer à votre challenge.
Bonne fête des Pères à tous les papas.

Magnificent interpretations of the DT.
It is always a pleasure to participate in your challenge.
Happy Father's Day to all dads.