Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Challenge #156: Anything Goes

     Hello, everyone...

Hope that you are all stay healthy and ready to join our always anything goes challenge

A few update: Currently Vera is in the US for a family's medical emergency and is needing to raise finances as she had to close her other shops. If you can purchase digis as a means of support, that will be much appreciated!

The DT Girls had been busy creating these inspiring projects for this challenge:

using Hedgehog Leaves

A few important links:

Feel free to share any of your Lemon Shortbread makes with us at

Now it's time for you to get creative



Maryann scrapbooking said...

Félicitations à la DT pour ses superbes créations.
C'est toujours un plaisir de tenter sa chance dans ce beau challenge.
Congratulations to DT for their superb creations.
It's always a pleasure to try its luck in this great challenge.

Doris Klein said...

Wow.. what amazing and pretty DT works!

Many thanks for this fun challenge and big hugs
Kleido’s BastelStüble
*Owner* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
*Owner*Critter Crazy Challenges
*List Manager* Challenges for Days
*DT* Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2
*GDT* stamps & fun = CREATIVITY